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Helping Hands

Changes to Helper Structures 

In 2025 the structure of the helper teams will be changing.  These changes are a result of helper feedback and are designed to better reflect the needs of our supported pilgrims.


We will be moving from our current arrangements towards a role-based structure.  There will be a number of new teams and all helpers will be asked to think about which team they are best suited to.​​


Helpers will be asked to express a preference on which team they wish to be part of.  Any helper can express a preference for any team except for the medical team which requires specific skills and experience.


Please click on the buttons below to go to the description for each team, or alternatively just scroll down this page:



Transport Team

There will be two groups working within the Transport Team.


The first group, which will be a larger team will concentrate on transporting supported pilgrims to and from wherever they need to go.  This may be to a Mass or ceremony, to a social event, cafe, or shopping.  Helpers on this team will work around the pilgrimage programme so the daily shift pattern will vary depending on the programme.  The main duty is pushing wheelchairs and pulling voitures (purpose build carriages).  This task requires helpers to be able to cope with the physical demands of this work.


The second group will be a smaller team and will involve supporting the helpers who are transporting pilgrims by coordinating the movement in and out of the Saint Frai centre.  This may involve reserving a lift, or matching up helpers with supported pilgrims in the loading bay.​​

Transport Team

Healthcare Team

​The Healthcare Team is comprised of registered doctors, nurses and care assistants and provide care to our supported pilgrims.

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Healthcare Team

Saint Frai Team

The Saint Frai team supports the work that is done in caring for our supported pilgrims in the Saint Frai Centre


The work may involve assisting the medical team with personal care, cleaning of the wards and related areas, or assisting pilgrims in the refectory.  


Helpers on this team may choose to be involved in one or more of these duties (care, cleaning or refectory) depending on their skills and preferences.  


The rota structure on this team will likely be more fixed than the Transport Team, for example:


Day 1    early to 1pm & 8pm to end of day

Day 2    1pm until 8pm​

​Please note that work in the Saint Frai does not restrict people on this team to the Saint Frai itself as they would also take part in the full pilgrimage experience and so may get involved in others tasks - for example assisting pilgrims at Mass, and socialising with pilgrims in cafes and at the excursion.​​​

Saint Frai Team

Other Information

Helpers will be asked to stipulate their first and second preference for the team that they would like to be part of.  The organising committees will do their best to accommodate all helper preferences but may also need to assign helpers to a different team in order to ensure appropriate care for supported pilgrims.


It is envisaged that most young helpers will be involved in the Transport team but it may also be possible for helpers to gain experience in other teams should they wish to do so.


It is also important to note that helpers who are part of one team will also be involved in the wider range of general duties - for example, socialising with supported pilgrims, helping at the airport, and giving out water at Mass.

Other Information

© 2022
Helpers Of Our Lady of Lourdes (Hospitalité) is a charity registered in Scotland, No: SC006312

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