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Monsignor Tony Duffy
Condolence Book
This online condolence book shows some of the messages that have been received
You were much appreciated by my mother and I
Thomas Doyle
May your lovely soul Rest In Peace Tony. Fond memories of when you were on a placement in St Pat’s Kilsyth as a Deacon. We affectionately called you DD…. Deacon Duffy. In my prayers, with love. Px
Pauline Dempsey
May you rest in peace Tony , You did great work for the Lord, And can now receive all the rewards of heaven
Aileen Charleston
May you rest in peace Tony you will be very sadly missed
Catherine Meikle
I always wondered if Tony knew how special he was to so many people. I find it hard to imagine Saint Cuthbert’s or Diocesan Pilgrimages without him. He has left a void which will be hard to fill - if ever. Rest In Peace now Tony and let someone else take the strain.
Cecile Thorburn
So shocked to get the news. Lourdes Masses will be strange without him. Will be sorely missed. God bless him and his family.
Fiona Millar
Fond memories of Mgr Duffy on pilgrimage in Lourdes. Always a friendly and caring man. It was a privilege to have known him, even for a relatively short while. May he rest in peace
Benjamin Gilhooley
Rest in Peace Fr. Tony, you will be sorely missed in the Lourdes Family, you were a very dedicated man.
Maureen Gore and Eileen Lyall
May you rest in peace. You will be a huge miss to all the Lourdes community.
We only knew you from the Lourdes Pilgriamges but will always remember that wee smile you always had, the care you showed to all. I am sure Our Lady and St Bernadette were waiting to greet you. Rest in peace.
Thérèse & Brian MacNeil
Mgr Tony, you did so much for me as a child at St. Cuthbert's primary school, as an adult and more recently as a parent. You were always so kind and thoughtful. I have no words to describe the level of my sadness. You will never be forgotten. Rest in peace.
Susie Laird
Father Tony will be remembered by so many of us as truly dedicated man. Dedicated to his life as a priest and respected as a friend. Rest in peace Father Tony.
Scott Johnston
RIP Fr Duffy you will be greatly missed within the whole of the Diocese and on our Lourdes pilgrimage. We met back in St Paul's - you never changed always with a gentle smile and offer of guidance and friendship. May God welcome you into his kingdom
Mary Falconer
A wonderful priest, person and friend. Thank you for being you. Rest in peace, Fr Tony.
Gillian Potter
Fr Tony, We thank you for your friendship and guidance both in Lourdes and back home here in Scotland. You will be missed a great deal by so many. Rest in peace x
Sean and Adele Duncan
You gave so much of yourself, in friendship and ministry, as our priest, to me and my late wife Irene; and that is a gift I will never forget. R.I.P. Monsignor Tony
John O'Connor
Rest in Peace Fr Tony. You were so much part of our Lourdes life. You gave so much of yourself when on pilgramage, good fun and prayerful in the Holy Land , Lourdes with the diocese and Across in the Jumbulance. You will be sorely missed by many.
Jennifer Williams
I am very sad at the passing of our dear Fr. Tony Duffy. He will be greatly missed in the diocese and on our Pilgrimage to Lourdes. I give thanks to God for his wonderful witness of fidelity as a priest and his kindness and compassion for the sick and for all the helpers at Lourdes and at home. May Our Lady of Lourdes welcome him and may he rest in peace in the eternal Light of Christ.
Sister Damian Lavelle
As I have heard the news of the death of Mgr Tony Duffy, I would like to convey to you and to the Hospitality of the Archdiocese of Saint Andrews and Edinburgh my most sincere sympathy and condolences. We have vivid memories of him leading Scottish pilgrims through the Shrine. He shall be remembered tomorrow at Mass in Lourdes at the Grotto. I will also make arrangements for a Mass to be celebrated at the Grotto when your Diocesan Pilgrimage is back in Lourdes next year. Très respectueusement et très fidèlement,
Msgr Xavier d’Arodes, Vice Rector of the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes
He was a lovely man and a dedicated priest who made a huge impression on so many of us.
Ken & Maureen Ritchie
Rest In Peace Monsignor Duffy.You will be sadly missed by all your Lourdes family you were a very kind and caring Priest.🙏🙏
Anne McKechnie
May the angels lead him into heaven . Rest in peace Fr Tony
Alastair and Mary Macpherson
Honoured to have known you as a friend and school chaplain at St Cuthbert’s Primary. Such a good man , rest in peace Monsignor Duffy .
Claire Macdonald
A quiet, dedicated and unassuming priest. He worked tirelessly in the background for his Parish, the Lourdes Pilgrimage and the Diocese, always with that quiet smile. He will be sadly missed. Rest In Peace , Fr. Tony.
Jim O'Neill
REST IN PEACE Fr Duffy, you will be sadly missed by all your Lourdes family. It was a pleasure to be with you there over the past 10 years.
Jean & Glen Macdonald
May God welcome Father Tony into his kingdom - he was a lovey man - his humility I will treasure, Lourdes will sorely miss him.
Sadie Rogers
Fr. Tony - thanks for all those years you allowed me to join the Pilgrimage - you will be missed RIP
Emma Ingan-Eng
Father Tony was a great and generous man who dedicated himself to the Church and the Lourdes Pilgrimage for many years. Thank you Father Tony for your years of support and service. May you RIP.
Thomas & Marian Doyle
Rest in peace Fr Tony.
Jim Shields
Fantastic memories of Mgr Tony. One of them when he took our 2 girls on the funicular when they were about 7 and 9 years old, he was so gentle with them. They are now in their late forties. As a family we will never forget him he was a great priest and person. We may have great pilgrimage directors in the future but there will always only be one father Tony. R.I.P.
The Muldoon Family
RIP Mgr Duffy - a top man and priest. You will be missed by many, especially by the Lourdes family💚🙏
Haydn Carr
I knew father tony at first as a young priest in Saint Cuthberts to which he returned as parish priest some years later. Rip father Tony
Gerard Mullen
RIP Mgr Duffy. You will be so sadly missed in Lourdes - thoughts are with all your family lots love xx
Anne McBurnie
Special memories of a lovely man, R.I.P Mgr Duffy.🙏🙏
Teresa Addison
Mgr Duffy played a huge part in my life and that of my family thanks to his steadfast support and guidance we overcame many challenges. He was trully a man of God and had a very real presence always smiling and offering a hand to those in need. His teachings and guidance will always stay with me and no words can describe the loss we feel - I've known him since 1992. Forever in our prayers.
Craig Gunn and Gunn Family
So many memories with Fr Duffy over the last 50yrs. St Cuthbert's Primary School St, Cuthberts Church choir, our amazing wee youth club and more recently some great wee laughs in Lourdes sharing our memories . RIP Fr Duffy x
Anne-Marie Boner
A kind and gentle priest who worked quietly, humbly and tirelessly for all the Lourdes family. Rest in peace, Father Tony
Rosemary Gillon
Fr. Duffy, you will be so missed by everyone but most of all at St. Cuthberts and Lourdes. You have left very big boots to fill. We will never forget you. RIP.
Agnes Clark
Msgr Tony will be a great loss to the pilgrimage. He always made such an effort to welcome all who travelled out to Lourdes. His homilies would offer many opportunities for reflection of the week we had together and the theme for the year. His memory will live on as we travel back in future years and return to the Grotto. Rest in Peace Msgr Tony. Our Lady of Lourdes pray for him. St Bernadette Pray for him.
Matthew Gilhooley
We lost a priest with a heart of gold. How much we miss him can never be told. He shared our troubles and helped us along. If we follow his footsteps we will never go wrong.
Pat Devenney
Father Tony was a very supportive and encouraging presence both during the Lourdes pilgrimage and as the Chaplain at St Augustine's and will be missed.
John Qureshi
Our sincere condolences to Fr Tony’s family and to his Lourdes family and to all who knew and loved him. May he rest in peace.
Fr Tony, we met when I travelled to Lourdes with the Pilgrimage, I joined your Lourdes family. You were more than just a priest, you were a friend, a confidant, an adviser, to all of us and we will miss you. Rest In Peace🙏
Sandra Dalglish
Oh Lord, we pray Thee that the soul of, Thy Priest, Thy Servant, Monsignor Tony Duffy, which, while he abode in this world, Thou didst adorn with sacred gifts, may ever rejoice in a glorious place in heaven. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen. 🙏🏼
Jacqueline Hannan
Eternal rest grant unto Fr Tony O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul and all the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace.Amen
I prayed to Our Lady at the Grotto this morning for the rest of his soul. I feel very lonely, it is a great sorrow to lose such a great friend. Please pass my condolences to all the friends who are missing him today
Jean Buscail
Mgr Tony was a much-loved figure in the parishes he served and in Edinburgh, where he was widely known and respected. He also played a key role in pilgrimages to Lourdes. He will leave an enormous gap to fill. May he rest in peace.
Archbishop Cushley
I have known and worked with Tony since 1973 when he first came on Pilgrimage with us. His love of Our Lady and St Bernadette was palpable. He worked tirelessly for all the hotel and Saint Frai Pilgrims, the team of doctors, nurses, clergy and helpers and especially the young people he encouraged and supported to go to Lourdes. We will miss his physical presence in Lourdes but I know he will be standing beside us in front of the Grotto. Rest in peace my dear friend.
Bernadette Barry
He was a genuinely friendly man who wanted everyone to fit in and find a place on the pilgrimage. He really took you under his wing. He had a great sense of fun and, spiritually, he knew how to hold you during his homilies - he had a brilliant way in putting things across in what was a simple yet quite intellectual way.
Kris Thomas
I was privileged to know Mgr Tony for many years as Priest, Parish Priest, School Chaplain, Pilgrimage Director, and friend. It is hard to describe the void that he will leave in the lives of so many of us - we thank God for Fr Tony; and we know that his spirit will live on.
Scott Mackenzie
Fr Tony has been in Lourdes since I started travelling to Lourdes in 1996 - through good times and bad, happy and sad, always there at a moments notice to listen, confide in and to offer advice and support. He’s been by our side over the more than a decade as a new ‘young’ team of office bearers started learning how to plan the Pilgrimage. He’s shared so much with us and taught us so much. We will continue on in his memory but it will never be the same without him and I’m not sure how we’ll fill the void he leaves. It has been a true privilege to know him as a Pilgrimage Director and as a priest but most importantly as a friend. Rest in peace Fr Tony, we will miss you.
Dr Monica Bald
Fr Tony, Thank-you for your care and dedication to all who traveled to Lourdes from the Archdiocese and on the jumbulance - I have many happy memories, Lourdes won’t be the same without you. May you rest in peace
Claire Banks