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The Hospitalité Committee raises funds in order to carry out its aims including promoting the message of Lourdes in the Archdiocese, and providing financial assistance to helpers and sick pilgrims.  In order to carry out this work, it is vital that a steady stream of income is maintained.  Below are some of the ways that our committee (and associated groups) raise funds.  We hope that you will be able to support our work.


Click on the links below to go to each section:

Online donations

200 Club

Easy Fundraising



Online donations
We have set up an easy way to make donations via the web or via text, with or without GiftAid.

To donate £5, text IXRZ02 to 70970 
To donate £10, text IXRZ02 to 70191 
Larger donations can be made online at 


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200 Club
One of the ways that funds are raised is through our 200 Club.  The 200 Club is open to anyone who purchases a number or numbers for the quarterly draw.  Numbers cost £12 each per annum and you can buy as many as you want.  

The prizes are currently £50, £30 and £20 but with more support we can increase the number of prizes.   Forms are available to download from the forms panel at the top of this page.  We collect the money through Direct Debit (ie a one-off yearly payment of £12 for 1 no. or £24 for 2 nos. etc).  

A form is attached below for you to complete and return.  However, if you prefer, we are able to accept payment for 12 months in advance by cheque or cash.

To download a 200-Club form - click here


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Easy Fundraising
How would you like to help the Edinburgh Lourdes Hospitalité Committee to raise money every time you shop online? Its really simple.  

To register just visit    

You can then shop with over 2000 well-known retailers such as Amazon, John Lewis, Boots, Tesco, Argos, M&S and many more. Whenever you buy something, the retailer makes a donation to the Edinburgh Lourdes Hospitalité Committee.

They have helped other causes raise over £2,000,000 so it really does work and we would be really grateful if you could use easyfundraising too.  

It won't cost you an extra penny to shop this way and you can even save money with special offers and voucher codes.


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* Helpers of Our Lady of Lourdes (Hospitalite) needs to raise funds for this and for other charitable purposes.

Fundraising, payments and donations will be processed and administered by the National Funding Scheme, operating as DONATE, a charity registered in England and Wales (1149800) and Scotland (SC045106). In addition to any text donation, you will incur your standard network message charge (based on your service provider rates). For Terms & Conditions, see

Online donations
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200 Club
Easy Fundraise

© 2022
Helpers Of Our Lady of Lourdes (Hospitalité) is a charity registered in Scotland, No: SC006312

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