Veronica Laidlaw - "Ronnie" - RIP
9 August 2022
It is with deepest sadness that we advise of the death of Ronnie Laidlaw on Tuesday, 9th August.
Ronnie travelled to Lourdes as a lady helper with the Archdiocesan Pilgrimage for over 55 years.
Ronnie was an integral part of the Lady Helper Team and we have fond memories of the time we spent with Ronnie in Lourdes. You could always find Ronnie at her favourite place behind the counter of the tisanerie in the Saint Frai Centre, managing a smooth and continuous flow of tea, coffee and biscuits to our supported pilgrims, helpers and visitors.
In addition to being a helper in Lourdes, Ronnie was also a dedicated member of our Hospitalite Committee and served as Treasurer for many years. Ronnie's devotion to Our Lady of Lourdes was an example to us all.
Ronnie will be sadly missed.
The funeral will take place on 30th August at 12:00 in St Mark's Church, Oxgangs, Edinburgh then 13:00 at Mortonhall Crematorium. Anyone who knew Ronnie is welcome to come along.
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